Stanley Poon

Managing Director of Centaline Commercial, Centaline Macau Enterprise Limited and Centaline Hengqin Property Agency Limited



Mr. Stanley Poon has 30-year experience in the real estate agency industry and has a good understanding of the market. He currently runs the commercial divisions of Centaline Property in Hong Kong, residential and commercial divisions in Macau and Hengqin. He actively participates in formulating strategies for brand development and staff training. He has also written a book to share his own experiences and tips for being a top salesperson. As a pioneer, Mr. Poon makes use of information technology to enhance sales performance and inter-departmental communication. In order to raise the professional standard of the real estate agency industry in Macau, Mr. Poon provided advice to the establishment of Macau’s real estate agent licensing system. He has set up a training institution with Centaline (Macau) to provide regular and practical training courses for local staff.

Mr. Stanley Poon has 30-year experience in the real estate agency industry and has a good understanding of the market. He currently runs the commercial divisions of Centaline Property in Hong Kong, residential and commercial divisions in Macau and Hengqin. He actively participates in formulating strategies for brand development and staff training. He has also written a book to share his own experiences and tips for being a top salesperson. As a pioneer, Mr. Poon makes use of information technology to enhance sales performance and inter-departmental communication. In order to raise the professional standard of the real estate agency industry in Macau, Mr. Poon provided advice to the establishment of Macau’s real estate agent licensing system. He has set up a training institution with Centaline (Macau) to provide regular and practical training courses for local staff.

Stanley Poon

Managing Director of Centaline Commercial, Centaline Macau Enterprise Limited and Centaline Hengqin Property Agency Limited





Mr. Stanley Poon has 30-year experience in the real estate agency industry and has a good understanding of the market. He currently runs the commercial divisions of Centaline Property in Hong Kong, residential and commercial divisions in Macau and Hengqin. He actively participates in formulating strategies for brand development and staff training. He has also written a book to share his own experiences and tips for being a top salesperson. As a pioneer, Mr. Poon makes use of information technology to enhance sales performance and inter-departmental communication. In order to raise the professional standard of the real estate agency industry in Macau, Mr. Poon provided advice to the establishment of Macau’s real estate agent licensing system. He has set up a training institution with Centaline (Macau) to provide regular and practical training courses for local staff.

【潘總在線】電動車成租務新勢力 |停車場加充電設施可以幫物業增值?




潮流興環保,近年多咗人開電動車,而各大電動車品牌亦開始進駐香港,成為工商舖市場一股租務新勢力,到底佢地租地方開店有啲乜嘢要求?邊一區嘅工商舖物業會最受惠,即刻睇下潘總嘅分析啦! 講者: 中原工商舖董事總經理 潘志明先生 主持: Yan





中環甲級寫字樓又出現大手成交,皇后大道中九號29樓全層啱啱以3.1億元易手,呢座大廈曾創出香港寫字樓呎價最高紀錄,想知道呢座大廈嘅歷史同矚目成交?即刻去片睇潘總嘅分析啦! 講者: 中原工商舖董事總經理 潘志明先生

【工商舖專家】內地出入境管理新措施 | 點樣「便民利企」幫到香港?




5月6日國家移民管理局推出6項便民利企出入境管理政策措施,唔單止國內人士可以喺網上換發補發出入境證件,而且嚟香港嘅商務人員與及各類人才,亦大大方便咗,到底今次嘅新措施對香港有幾大幫助,一齊睇下潘總嘅分析啦! 講者: 中原工商舖董事總經理 潘志明先生 精彩內容 國家移民管理局於5月6日推出多項便民利企出入境管理政策措施,便民方面,北京等20個城市,16歲以上的居民補發和換發出入境證件,可以透過網上申請,至於利企方面,赴港澳的商務簽注實施「智能速辦」及「全國通辦」,此外商務人員留港時間亦延長至不超過14天,不同類別的人才來港申辦人才簽注,有效期1至5年,每次可停留不超過30天,以上的新政策措施,相信能吸引更多國內人士前來香港,對香港整體經濟帶來莫大的好處。

【潘總在線】五一黃金周風雨無礙消費 | 輕餐飲、網紅店最受歡迎?




五一黃金周剛過去,內地訪港旅客有約76.6萬人次,比去年升咗超過兩成,整體的消費額達到20億元。亦發現內地旅客嘅消費模式改變咗唔少,到底網紅店有幾大吸引力?生意係咪真係好咗?想趁平買番間舖投資,又應該點注意啲乜嘢?即刻睇下潘總嘅分析啦! 講者: 中原工商舖董事總經理 潘志明先生 主持: Yan

【工商舖專家】五一黃金周76萬內地旅客訪港 今年消費情況係點?




今個五一黃金周,國內訪港旅客達75.8萬人次,比去年上升超過兩成,到底旅客消費情況點樣?社會各界及業內人士又點睇?即刻睇下潘總嘅分析啦! 講者: 中原工商舖董事總經理 潘志明先生

【潘總在線】家族辦公室鍾意投資邊類物業? | 對香港工商舖有乜幫助?




一個王子,令唔少香港人開始留意家族辦公室,到底香港有乜吸引力,令咁多家族辦公室嚟呢度落戶,家族辦公室手執大筆資金,到底又鍾意投資邊類工商舖物業?即刻睇下潘總嘅分析啦! 講者: 中原工商舖董事總經理 潘志明先生 主持: Yan

【工商舖專家】五一黃金周就到!| 商戶到底點樣部署吸客好?




又快到五一黃金周喇!估計又會有大批國內旅客嚟香港旅遊消費,香港到底點樣可以做得更好,俾遊客更好嘅體驗,而香港嘅商家又點樣花盡心思,全力去迎接呢一波嘅商機,即刻去片睇下潘總嘅分析啦! 講者: 中原工商舖董事總經理 潘志明先生 精彩內容 快到五一黃金周,國內連續有5天長假,預計會有大量國內旅客來港旅遊消費,根據之前的經驗,國內旅客對香港的旅遊業有一些微言,包括過關時間較長、交通配套不足與及電子支付未夠普及等,這些都是港府該想想如何改善的地方;至於商戶方面,不少已在磨拳擦掌,許多飲食業界的商戶已部署在五一黃金周推出一些優惠,再配合各大商場的大型活動,希望帶給來港旅客更佳的體驗,順帶令香港經濟得以受惠。

【潘總在線】國際品牌重返核心區 | 舖租會唔會升番到疫情前水平?




早幾年疫情,有唔少名店撤出中環核心區,但近期啲名牌又回歸,點解會有呢個現象?嚟緊中環嘅商戶組合同租金走勢又會點樣?即刻睇下潘總嘅分析啦! 講者: 中原工商舖董事總經理 潘志明先生 主持: Yan

【潘總在線】七人欖球賽成功帶動周邊消費| 盛事經濟點幫到舖市?




全城矚目嘅香港國際七人欖球賽喺4月初順利舉行,三日嘅賽事有超過10萬人次捧場,連帶大球場一帶嘅酒吧食肆生意都帶旺咗,嚟緊香港仲會舉辦一連串盛事,到底對舖市有幾大幫助,即刻睇下潘總嘅分析啦! 講者: 中原工商舖董事總經理 潘志明先生 主持: Yan

【工商舖專家】復活節229萬人次離港?!| 點樣可以吸引港人留港消費?




今個復活節,有成229萬人次離港外遊,唔少商家都皺哂眉,到底有乜方法吸引多啲人留港消費?即刻去片睇下潘總嘅分析啦! 講者: 中原工商舖董事總經理 潘志明先生 精彩內容 根據統計,由3月28日起計算,連同3月29日至4月1日復活節假期,這五天離開香港的人數,有約229萬人次,入境人次約50萬,這個數字讓香港不少商戶或是經營生意的人士相當擔心,但若仔細研究這個數字,可有另一番解讀,復活節假期在國內並不是公眾假期,只是香港的假期,所以離開香港的人較多,國內入境旅客較少,這是很正常的,其次要看這次復活節的檔期,是疫情之後第二個復活節檔期,回想去年的復活節,很多人仍擔心外地會否疫情反覆,所以很多人在去年都沒有出外旅行,但經過一年的觀察,不少家庭和朋友都組識團隊一起外出旅遊,而且因3月4日是清明節,大家可自製長假期,不少香港人為了這次長假期設計了很多旅行的節目,而踏入清明節這幾天,反而是國內的假期,以致多了國內的遊客來港,當然要讓港人留港消費,與及吸引外來人士來港消費,的確要反省一下有些甚麼地方做得不夠好,從而讓食肆、零售及服務業,能夠進一步改善,未來遊客來港消費與及港人留港消費,應該會陸續增加。

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