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上環 皇后大道中99號 E168 全幢|Centaline Commercial

上環 皇后大道中99號 E168 全幢

03/07/2024 | Office

中環 皇后大道中99號 中環中心 61樓05室|Centaline Commercial

中環 皇后大道中99號 中環中心 61樓05室

03/07/2024 | Office

上環 德輔道中188號 金龍中心 26樓03室|Centaline Commercial

上環 德輔道中188號 金龍中心 26樓03室

02/07/2024 | Office

上環 皇后大道中99號 E168 全幢|Centaline Commercial

上環 皇后大道中99號 E168 全幢

03/07/2024 | Office

中環 皇后大道中99號 中環中心 61樓05室|Centaline Commercial

中環 皇后大道中99號 中環中心 61樓05室

03/07/2024 | Office

上環 德輔道中188號 金龍中心 26樓03室|Centaline Commercial

上環 德輔道中188號 金龍中心 26樓03室

02/07/2024 | Office

Total 19Transaction(s)

Transaction Date Usage District Property Name Floor Unit Area Transaction Price Sale/ft² Source
06/03/2024 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
Low -- 180 ft² approx Leased
@23 Market News
06/03/2024 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
Low -- 130 ft² approx Leased
@60 Market News
06/03/2024 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
Low -- 180 ft² approx Leased
@23 Market News
22/01/2024 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
Low -- 145 ft² approx Leased
@38 Market News
28/11/2023 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
Low -- 193 ft² approx Leased
@46 Market News
19/09/2023 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
High -- 1,746 ft² approx Leased
@19 Market News
07/08/2023 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
04/F A 1,746 ft² approx Sold
@6,655 Land Search
28/03/2023 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
Mid -- 1,816 ft² approx Leased
@20 Market News
22/02/2023 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
10/F C 1,746 ft² approx Sold
@6,014 Land Search
26/01/2023 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
High -- 1,816 ft² approx Leased
@18 Market News
15/06/2022 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
12/F D 1,816 ft² approx Sold
@5,892 Land Search
31/03/2022 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
13/F 31 381 ft² approx Sold
@7,087 Land Search
10/12/2021 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
04/F D 1,816 ft² approx Sold
@6,002 Land Search
05/11/2021 Carpark Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
-- -- -- Leased
-- Market News
15/10/2021 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
Low -- 1,746 ft² approx Leased
@26 Market News
27/09/2021 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
High -- 60 ft² approx Leased
@73 Market News
27/09/2021 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
High -- 60 ft² approx Leased
@67 Market News
27/09/2021 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
High -- 133 ft² approx Leased
@30 Market News
09/07/2021 Industrial Kwun Tong
Speedy Industrial Building
High -- 371 ft² approx Leased
@24 Market News

Speedy Industrial Building Low

Industrial | 180 ft² approx

Leased $4,200


| Market News


Speedy Industrial Building Low

Industrial | 130 ft² approx

Leased $7,800


| Market News


Speedy Industrial Building Low

Industrial | 180 ft² approx

Leased $4,200


| Market News


Speedy Industrial Building Low

Industrial | 145 ft² approx

Leased $5,500


| Market News


Speedy Industrial Building Low

Industrial | 193 ft² approx

Leased $8,800


| Market News


Speedy Industrial Building High

Industrial | 1,746 ft² approx

Leased $34,000


| Market News


Speedy Industrial Building 04/F A

Industrial | 1,746 ft² approx

Sold $11.62M


| Land Search


Speedy Industrial Building Mid

Industrial | 1,816 ft² approx

Leased $36,320


| Market News


Speedy Industrial Building 10/F C

Industrial | 1,746 ft² approx

Sold $10.50M


| Land Search


Speedy Industrial Building High

Industrial | 1,816 ft² approx

Leased $32,000


| Market News


Speedy Industrial Building 12/F D

Industrial | 1,816 ft² approx

Sold $10.70M


| Land Search


Speedy Industrial Building 13/F 31

Industrial | 381 ft² approx

Sold $2.70M


| Land Search


Speedy Industrial Building 04/F D

Industrial | 1,816 ft² approx

Sold $10.90M


| Land Search


Speedy Industrial Building

Carpark | --

Leased $3,200


| Market News


Speedy Industrial Building Low

Industrial | 1,746 ft² approx

Leased $45,000


| Market News


Speedy Industrial Building High

Industrial | 60 ft² approx

Leased $4,400


| Market News


Speedy Industrial Building High

Industrial | 60 ft² approx

Leased $4,000


| Market News


Speedy Industrial Building High

Industrial | 133 ft² approx

Leased $4,001


| Market News


Speedy Industrial Building High

Industrial | 371 ft² approx

Leased $8,800


| Market News



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