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九龍灣 景發工業中心 206室|Centaline Commercial

九龍灣 景發工業中心 206室

02/12/2023 | Industrial

九龍灣 景發工業中心207室|Centaline Commercial

九龍灣 景發工業中心207室

08/08/2022 | Industrial

九龍灣 景發工業中心 206室|Centaline Commercial

九龍灣 景發工業中心 206室

02/12/2023 | Industrial

九龍灣 景發工業中心207室|Centaline Commercial

九龍灣 景發工業中心207室

08/08/2022 | Industrial

Total 24Transaction(s)

Transaction Date Usage District Property Name Floor Unit Area Transaction Price Sale/ft² Source
06/02/2024 Industrial Kowloon Bay High -- 1,002 ft² approx Leased
@19 Market News
22/11/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay 02/F 06 888 ft² approx Sold
@5,158 Land Search
08/11/2023 Carpark Kowloon Bay -- 01/L01 -- Sold
-- Land Search
08/11/2023 Carpark Kowloon Bay -- 01/P04 -- Sold
-- Land Search
31/08/2023 Carpark Kowloon Bay -- 01/P05 -- Sold
-- Land Search
21/07/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay High -- 830 ft² approx Leased
@17 Market News
24/06/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay Low -- 400 ft² approx Leased
@125 Market News
15/02/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay 05/F 11 581 ft² approx Sold
@5,129 Land Search
25/08/2022 Industrial Kowloon Bay 08/F 06 736 ft² approx Sold
@5,679 Land Search
28/07/2022 Industrial Kowloon Bay 02/F 07 10,625 ft² approx Sold
@4,706 Land Search
27/07/2022 Industrial Kowloon Bay 04/F 11 581 ft² approx Sold
@6,024 Land Search
17/06/2022 Industrial Kowloon Bay 11/F 06 745 ft² approx Sold
@5,745 Land Search
03/05/2022 Industrial Kowloon Bay 04/F 06 736 ft² approx Sold
@5,951 Land Search
22/04/2022 Industrial Kowloon Bay Mid -- 736 ft² approx Leased
@19 Market News
19/04/2022 Industrial Kowloon Bay Low -- 1,383 ft² approx Leased
@19 Market News
15/03/2022 Industrial Kowloon Bay 04/F 08 1,383 ft² approx Sold
@5,553 Land Search
24/12/2021 Industrial Kowloon Bay 12/F 01,08 1,926 ft² approx Sold
@4,673 Land Search
23/12/2021 Industrial Kowloon Bay 07/F 06 736 ft² approx Sold
@5,435 Land Search
09/11/2021 Retail Kowloon Bay Upstairs Shop -- 1,875 ft² approx Sold
@5,333 Market News
19/10/2021 Industrial Kowloon Bay Mid -- 1,393 ft² approx Leased
@15 Market News
06/10/2021 Industrial Kowloon Bay 07/F 11 581 ft² approx Sold
@5,473 Land Search
06/09/2021 Industrial Kowloon Bay High -- 1,926 ft² approx Leased
@15 Market News
26/07/2021 Industrial Kowloon Bay 04/F 05 965 ft² approx Sold
@5,751 Land Search
10/07/2021 Industrial Kowloon Bay High -- 1,283 ft² approx Leased
@17 Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $19,000 @19

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) High

Industrial | 1,002 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Sold $4.58M @5,158

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) 02/F 06

Industrial | 888 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Sold $2.50M --

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) 01/L01

Carpark | --

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Sold $1.90M --

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) 01/P04

Carpark | --

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Sold $1.96M --

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) 01/P05

Carpark | --

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Leased $14,000 @17

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) High

Industrial | 830 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $50,000 @125

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) Low

Industrial | 400 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Sold $2.98M @5,129

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) 05/F 11

Industrial | 581 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Sold $4.18M @5,679

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) 08/F 06

Industrial | 736 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Sold $50.00M @4,706

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) 02/F 07

Industrial | 10,625 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Sold $3.50M @6,024

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) 04/F 11

Industrial | 581 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Sold $4.28M @5,745

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) 11/F 06

Industrial | 745 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Sold $4.38M @5,951

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) 04/F 06

Industrial | 736 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Leased $13,800 @19

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) Mid

Industrial | 736 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $26,000 @19

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) Low

Industrial | 1,383 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Sold $7.68M @5,553

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) 04/F 08

Industrial | 1,383 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Sold $9.00M @4,673

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) 12/F 01,08

Industrial | 1,926 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Sold $4.00M @5,435

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) 07/F 06

Industrial | 736 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Sold $10.00M @5,333

Kingsford Industrial Centre Wang Hoi Road Upstairs Shop

Retail | 1,875 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $20,895 @15

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) Mid

Industrial | 1,393 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Sold $3.18M @5,473

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) 07/F 11

Industrial | 581 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Leased $28,890 @15

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) High

Industrial | 1,926 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Sold $5.55M @5,751

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) 04/F 05

Industrial | 965 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Leased $22,000 @17

Kingsford Industrial Centre (KB) High

Industrial | 1,283 ft² approx

Market News


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