Transaction Price
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Total 67Transaction(s)

Transaction Date Usage District Property Name Floor Unit Area Transaction Price Sale/ft² Source
13/06/2024 Industrial Kowloon Bay Mid -- 719 ft² approx Leased
@15 Market News
24/04/2024 Industrial Kowloon Bay Mid -- 1,225 ft² approx Leased
@11 Market News
24/04/2024 Industrial Kowloon Bay Mid -- 1,459 ft² approx Leased
@12 Market News
24/04/2024 Industrial Kowloon Bay High -- 719 ft² approx Leased
@13 Market News
23/04/2024 Industrial Kowloon Bay Mid -- 921 ft² approx Leased
@12 Market News
16/04/2024 Industrial Kowloon Bay High -- 1,034 ft² approx Leased
@15 Market News
16/04/2024 Industrial Kowloon Bay Low -- 2,162 ft² approx Leased
@12 Market News
23/03/2024 Industrial Kowloon Bay Mid -- 3,540 ft² approx Leased
@13 Market News
15/03/2024 Industrial Kowloon Bay Mid -- 710 ft² approx Leased
@14 Market News
05/02/2024 Industrial Kowloon Bay High -- 6,403 ft² approx Leased
@10 Market News
01/11/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay High -- 712 ft² approx Leased
@14 Market News
19/10/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay 08/F 10 1,378 ft² approx Sold
@4,028 Land Search
28/09/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay 08/F 41 719 ft² approx Sold
@4,284 Land Search
21/09/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay 05/F 12 719 ft² approx Sold
@2,503 Land Search
18/09/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay Mid -- 1,507 ft² approx Leased
@11 Market News
12/09/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay Mid -- 3,252 ft² approx Leased
@13 Market News
06/09/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay 10/F 06 723 ft² approx Sold
@4,288 Land Search
18/08/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay High -- 707 ft² approx Leased
@13 Market News
18/08/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay High -- 723 ft² approx Leased
@12 Market News
18/08/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay Mid -- 1,756 ft² approx Leased
@11 Market News
27/07/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay Mid -- 1,525 ft² approx Leased
@15 Market News
21/07/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay 11/F 30 712 ft² approx Sold
@4,424 Land Search
19/06/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay Mid -- 1,596 ft² approx Leased
@12 Market News
26/04/2023 Industrial Kowloon Bay 11/F 11 1,814 ft² approx Sold
@4,311 Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Leased $10,500 @15

Pacific Trade Centre Mid

Industrial | 719 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $13,000 @11

Pacific Trade Centre Mid

Industrial | 1,225 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $18,000 @12

Pacific Trade Centre Mid

Industrial | 1,459 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $9,500 @13

Pacific Trade Centre High

Industrial | 719 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $11,500 @12

Pacific Trade Centre Mid

Industrial | 921 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $15,510 @15

Pacific Trade Centre High

Industrial | 1,034 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $25,944 @12

Pacific Trade Centre Low

Industrial | 2,162 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $46,020 @13

Pacific Trade Centre Mid

Industrial | 3,540 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $10,000 @14

Pacific Trade Centre Mid

Industrial | 710 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $64,030 @10

Pacific Trade Centre High

Industrial | 6,403 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $10,000 @14

Pacific Trade Centre High

Industrial | 712 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Sold $5.55M @4,028

Pacific Trade Centre 08/F 10

Industrial | 1,378 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Sold $3.08M @4,284

Pacific Trade Centre 08/F 41

Industrial | 719 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Sold $1.80M @2,503

Pacific Trade Centre 05/F 12

Industrial | 719 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Leased $16,577 @11

Pacific Trade Centre Mid

Industrial | 1,507 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $42,000 @13

Pacific Trade Centre Mid

Industrial | 3,252 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Sold $3.10M @4,288

Pacific Trade Centre 10/F 06

Industrial | 723 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Leased $9,000 @13

Pacific Trade Centre High

Industrial | 707 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $8,800 @12

Pacific Trade Centre High

Industrial | 723 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $20,000 @11

Pacific Trade Centre Mid

Industrial | 1,756 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Leased $22,875 @15

Pacific Trade Centre Mid

Industrial | 1,525 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Sold $3.15M @4,424

Pacific Trade Centre 11/F 30

Industrial | 712 ft² approx

Land Search

Kowloon Bay

Leased $18,500 @12

Pacific Trade Centre Mid

Industrial | 1,596 ft² approx

Market News

Kowloon Bay

Sold $7.82M @4,311

Pacific Trade Centre 11/F 11

Industrial | 1,814 ft² approx

Land Search

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  • 3

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