Online Consignment
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13 min(s) - Kowloon Bay Station
1,243 ft² approx
Low Floor
1,243 ft² approx
1993 (32 Year(s))
MTR, Bus, Taxi, Minibus
Joey Tsui
S-637767845 Listing(s)
Grade A Building, Sufficient Lighting, Efficiency & Below Price, Vacant & Move-in
Yanny Bok
S-687853439 Listing(s)
Spacious with Windows, Good Layout & Efficient, Well-proportioned, Nice Decoration, Convenient Transportation, For Sale / Lease, Investment / Move-in, Best Choice for Rental Investment
Moon Ng
S-038771513 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Next to MTR, Convenient Transportation, Adequate Pedestrian Flow
Raymond Wong
S-420927770 Listing(s)
Spacious with Windows, Convenient Transportation, Convenient Transportation, Efficiency & Below Price, Efficiency & Below Price
Gilbert Chu
E-024283431 Listing(s)
Investment / Move-in, Unrepeatable Chance
Simmi Yeung
S-329679678 Listing(s)
Convenient Transportation, Core Location
John Lai
E-257446674 Listing(s)
For Sale / Lease, Investment / Move-in, Opportunity Knocking, Hard to Find
Welcome to online consignment for property listing or property search.