Online Consignment
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2 min(s) - Admiralty Station
1,825 ft² approx
High Floor
1,825 ft² approx
1987 (38 Year(s))
Tramways, Minibus, Taxi, Bus, MTR
Amanda Lau
E-048838327 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Grade A Building, Atop MTR Station
Jeff Wong
E-106514383 Listing(s)
Flexible Size, Grade A Building, Best for Investment, Convenient Transportation
Sam Yeung
S-253354712 Listing(s)
Next to MTR, High-level & Open View, Grade A Building
Vivian Ho
E-023576374 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Nice Decoration, Marble Lobby, Vacant & Move-in, Rare in Market, Next to MTR, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Atop MTR Station
Kane Fung
E-086977333 Listing(s)
Grade A Building, Fully Facilities, Best for Investment, Famous Commercial Building, Good Management
Daniel Siu
E-33595190 Listing(s)
Mountain View, Beautiful & Quiet, Gorgeous Decoration, Fully Facilities
Joanne Lee
E-002106111 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Nice Decoration, Grade A Building, , Grand Lobby, Fully Equipped, Opportunity Knocking, Convenient Transportation, Next to MTR, Great Location, Next to Hotels
Winnie Chat
E-018107309 Listing(s)
Spacious with Windows, Grade A Building, Atop MTR Station, Great Location, Mountain View, Facing Lift Lobby
Sunny Cheung
S-407034763 Listing(s)
Convenient Transportation, Great Location
Fion Leung
S-686624428 Listing(s)
High Efficiency, Good Layout & Efficient, Excellent Layout Design
Welcome to online consignment for property listing or property search.