Online Consignment
Welcome to online consignment for property listing or property search.
1,000 ft² approx
1,000 ft² approx
MTR, Bus
Jackson Lam
E-083990811 Listing(s)
Most Restaurants, Prestige Location, Popular Location, Rare in Market, Unrepeatable Chance, Next to MTR
Leslie Cheung
S-42824938 Listing(s)
Investment / Move-in, Share Transfer, Vacant Possession, For Sale / Lease, Next to MTR, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Atop MTR Station
Nelson Hui
E-461236111 Listing(s)
Convenient Transportation, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Best for Investment
May Lau
S-419680522 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Convenient Transportation, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Rare in Market
Kay Siu
S-519016659 Listing(s)
Best Location, Most Restaurants, Vacant Possession, Efficiency & Below Price
Cherry Qian
S-630911618 Listing(s)
Rare in Market, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Next to MTR
Aily Lo
S-665867702 Listing(s)
High Efficiency, Well-proportioned, Investment / Move-in, Vacant & Move-in, Move-in Condition, Next to MTR, Core Location, Convenient Transportation, Great Location
Welcome to online consignment for property listing or property search.