Online Consignment
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4 min(s) - Wan Chai Station
2,228 ft² approx
Middle Floor
2,228 ft² approx
1994 (31 Year(s))
MTR, Bus, Taxi, Minibus, Tramways, Ferry
Shirley Chan
E-433755608 Listing(s)
Whole Floor, High Efficiency, Good Layout & Efficient, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Good Layout & Efficient
Fanny Lee
E-134883534 Listing(s)
Next to MTR, Great Location, Adequate Pedestrian Flow, Convenient Transportation, Easy Access
Tracey Ng
E-467811417 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, High Efficiency, Nice Decoration, Convenient Transportation, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Good Layout & Efficient, Nice Decoration, Vacant & Move-in, Heavy Pedestrian Flows
Joey Tsui
S-637767843 Listing(s)
Rare Whole Floor, Sufficient Lighting, Fully Facilities, Next to MTR
Eppie Lee
S-503475443 Listing(s)
Next to MTR, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Convenient Transportation, Easy Access, Most Restaurants
Sunny Cheung
S-407034763 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Convenient Transportation
Raymond Wong
S-420927767 Listing(s)
Spacious with Windows, Nice Decoration, Convenient Transportation, Core Location
Louisa Leung
E-01931980 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Rare Whole Floor, Spacious with Windows, Fully Fitted,, Marble Lobby, Rare in Market, Vacant & Move-in, Unrepeatable Chance, Hard to Find, Next to MTR, Open View
Welcome to online consignment for property listing or property search.