Online Consignment
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4 min(s) - Yau Ma Tei Station
380 ft² approx
380 ft² approx
MTR, Bus
Jackson Lam
E-083990808 Listing(s)
Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Great Location, Popular Location
Jessica Wong
E-36043915 Listing(s)
Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Great Location, Best Location
Alan Tsang
E-002243178 Listing(s)
Convenient Transportation, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Most Restaurants
Gilbert Yip
S-177792255 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Core Location, Investment / Move-in, Opportunity Knocking
Kay Siu
S-519016595 Listing(s)
Rare in Market, Unrepeatable Chance, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Popular Location
Koby Fung
S-251617497 Listing(s)
Next to MTR, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Great Location, Popular Location, Convenient Transportation, Adequate Pedestrian Flow, Best Location, Most Restaurants, Transport Hub, Easy Access
Welcome to online consignment for property listing or property search.