Online Consignment
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720 ft² approx
720 ft² approx
Jackson Lam
E-083990811 Listing(s)
Rare in Market, Convenient Transportation, Great Location
May Lau
S-419680522 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Convenient Transportation, Great Location, Next to MTR
Nelson Hui
E-461236111 Listing(s)
Investment / Move-in, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Convenient Transportation
Kay Siu
S-519016659 Listing(s)
Rare in Market, Unrepeatable Chance, For Sale / Lease, Best for Investment
Marco Yu
S-396704771 Listing(s)
Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Convenient Transportation
Teddy Wong
E-247118783 Listing(s)
Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Convenient Transportation
Koby Fung
S-251617500 Listing(s)
Next to MTR, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Convenient Transportation, Great Location, Atop MTR Station, Popular Location, Adequate Pedestrian Flow, Best Location, Most Restaurants, Transport Hub
Welcome to online consignment for property listing or property search.