Online Consignment
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3,600 ft² approx
G/F M/F & 1/F
3,600 ft² approx
MTR, Mini Bus, Bus
Jackson Lam
E-083990811 Listing(s)
Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Convenient Transportation, Core Location, Popular Location, Rare in Market, Unrepeatable Chance
Alan Cho
S-439115807 Listing(s)
Investment / Move-in, Rare in Market, Unrepeatable Chance, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Convenient Transportation
May Lau
S-419680523 Listing(s)
Investment / Move-in, Opportunity Knocking, Unrepeatable Chance
Nelson Hui
E-461236111 Listing(s)
Great Location, Convenient Transportation
Teddy Wong
E-247118803 Listing(s)
Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Convenient Transportation, Great Location, Core Location, Popular Location, Adequate Pedestrian Flow
Sidney Law
S-681815116 Listing(s)
Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Convenient Transportation, Great Location, Core Location, Popular Location
Aily Lo
S-665867702 Listing(s)
High Efficiency, Excellent Layout Design, Well-proportioned, Investment / Move-in, Vacant & Move-in, Next to MTR, Great Location, Convenient Transportation, Core Location
Kay Siu
S-519016627 Listing(s)
Rare in Market, Unrepeatable Chance, Best for Investment, Long Completion Date
Phyllis Wan
S-450663277 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Best Location, Popular Location
Mathrew Cheung
E-200359154 Listing(s)
Popular Location, Great Location, Adequate Pedestrian Flow, Core Location, Best Location
Koby Fung
S-251617496 Listing(s)
Convenient Transportation, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Great Location, Core Location, Adequate Pedestrian Flow, Popular Location, Best Location, Transport Hub, Easy Access
Welcome to online consignment for property listing or property search.