Online Consignment
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15 min(s) - Kowloon Bay Station
14,098 ft² approx
High Floor
14,098 ft² approx
1992 (33 Year(s))
Taxi, Bus, Minibus, MTR
Marco So
S-012481768 Listing(s)
Best price in HK, above bus terminal, shuttle bus to Telford Mall
Brian Lo
S-5306651006 Listing(s)
High Efficiency, Spacious with Windows, Good Layout & Efficient, Rare Whole Floor, Nice Decoration, Fully Facilities, Fully Equipped, Marble Lobby, Grand Lobby, Rare in Market, Opportunity Knocking
Albert Au
E-319468888 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Nice Decoration, Fully Facilities, Fully Equipped, Opportunity Knocking, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Great Location, Rare in Market, Opportunity Knocking, Investment / Move-in
Connie Man
E-429894690 Listing(s)
Enquiry - Connie Man☎️ 9O97 1833, Good Layout & Efficient, Fully Facilities, Rare in Market, Convenient Transportation, Next to MTR, Great Location
Mei Leung
S-100858160 Listing(s)
Spacious with Windows, Nice Decoration, Fully Facilities, Great Location
Eva Lau
S-562841625 Listing(s)
Grade A Building, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Convenient Transportation, Adequate Pedestrian Flow, High-level & Open View, Nice Decoration, Investment / Move-in, Best for Investment, For Sale / Lease
Sara Lin
S-671527167 Listing(s)
High Efficiency, Spacious with Windows, Good Layout & Efficient, Excellent Layout Design, Efficiency & Below Price!Please contact me at 6。0。2。3。8。6。7。5for any inquiry
Raymond Wong
S-420927770 Listing(s)
Nice Decoration, Shuttle Bus, Investment / Move-in, Rare Whole Floor
Winnie Chat
E-018107310 Listing(s)
Next to MTR, Convenient Transportation, Flexible Size, Below Market Price
Welcome to online consignment for property listing or property search.