Online Consignment
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8 min(s) - Ho Man Tin Station
2,598 ft² approx
Low Floor
2,598 ft² approx
1982 (43 Year(s))
Ferry, Minibus, Taxi, Bus, MTR
Tina Chan
S-577823572 Listing(s)
Spacious with Windows, Excellent Layout Design, High Ceiling, Well-proportioned, Supreme Layout Design, High Efficiency
Karmen Wong
S-599934569 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Convenient Transportation, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Glass Curtain Wall
Angela Cheung
E-354862180 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Efficiency & Below Price, Unrepeatable Chance, Nice Decoration, Investment / Move-in
Vivian Ho
E-023576378 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Nice Decoration, Grand Lobby, Investment / Move-in, Vacant & Move-in, Convenient Transportation, Core Location
Eva Lau
S-562841634 Listing(s)
Grade A Building, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Convenient Transportation, Great Location, Adequate Pedestrian Flow, High-level & Open View, Hard to Find, Rare in Market, Investment / Move-in
Welcome to online consignment for property listing or property search.