Online Consignment
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5 min(s) - Causeway Bay Station
1,134 ft² approx
Middle Floor
1,134 ft² approx
1992 (33 Year(s))
MTR, Bus, Taxi, Minibus, Tramways
Zoe Tung
S-685642375 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Well-proportioned,, Glass Curtain Wall, Nice Decoration, Core Location
Shirley Chan
E-433755595 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Spacious with Windows, Nice Decoration, Fully Facilities, Investment / Move-in, Great Location, Between Quiet & Prosperous
Amen Chan
E-458265668 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Spacious with Windows, Grade A Building, For Sale / Lease, Vacant & Move-in, Investment / Move-in
Novem Lum
S-129161121 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Sufficient Lighting, Marble Lobby, Move-in Condition, Unrepeatable Chance, Landmark Building, Most Restaurants, Next to Hotels, Between Quiet & Prosperous
Sam Ho
E-4480351010 Listing(s)
Prime Business District of Causeway Bay. Elegant Entrance Lobby, Fully Fitted, Professional Management
Kristi Buxton
E-373851495 Listing(s)
Spacious with Windows, Nice Decoration, Grand Lobby, Move-in Condition
Sally Lam
S-102628827 Listing(s)
Convenient Transportation, Move-in Condition, Spacious with Windows, New Decoration
Sammy Leung
E-467381249 Listing(s)
The office building is newly renovated and available for rent immediately.
Albert Au
E-319468890 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Nice Decoration, Fully Facilities, Fully Equipped, Rare in Market, Investment / Move-in, Opportunity Knocking, Unrepeatable Chance, Efficiency & Below Price, Core Location
Fiona Fung
S-669000351 Listing(s)
Spacious with Windows, Good Layout & Efficient, Sufficient Lighting, For Sale / Lease
Vivian Cheung
E-034657421 Listing(s)
Spacious with Windows, Nice Decoration, Marble Lobby, Vacant & Move-in, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Next to MTR, Between Quiet & Prosperous
Winnie Chat
E-018107312 Listing(s)
Good Layout & Efficient, Nice Decoration, Next to MTR, Open View
Bobo Li
S-651479245 Listing(s)
Spacious with Windows, Great Location, Vacant & Move-in, Nice Decoration, Convenient Transportation
Simmi Yeung
S-329679678 Listing(s)
Stylish Decoration, Rare in Market, Tranquil Environment
Isabella Chan
S-686251607 Listing(s)
Gorgeous Decoration, Designer Decoration, Spacious with Windows, Well-proportioned, Fully Facilities, Marble Lobby, For Sale / Lease, Next to MTR
Welcome to online consignment for property listing or property search.