Online Consignment
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3 min(s) - Causeway Bay Station
1,380 ft² approx
High Floor
1,380 ft² approx
1983 (42 Year(s))
MTR, Bus, Taxi, Minibus, Tramways
Frank Cheung
S-673630199 Listing(s)
High Efficiency, Good Layout & Efficient, High Ceiling, Nice Decoration, Vacant & Move-in, Convenient Transportation
David Chu
E-435669540 Listing(s)
Rare Whole Floor, Next to MTR, Heavy Pedestrian Flows, Convenient Transportation, Adequate Pedestrian Flow, Great Location, Easy Access, Transport Hub, Most Restaurants, Best Location, Next to Hotels
Sunny Cheung
S-407034763 Listing(s)
Convenient Transportation, Great Location
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