Chai Wan 40 Lee Chung Street
Industrial | 2,332 ft² approx
Sale $5.83M
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Chai Wan 29-31 Cheung Lee Street
Office | 517 ft² approx
Sale $3.10M
Lease $10,860
Chai Wan 50 Wing Tai Road
Industrial | 1,290 ft² approx
Lease $20,000
Dicky Cheung
32 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong
Irene Ngai
Chai Wan 12 Fung Yip Street
Industrial | 2,050 ft² approx
Sale $8.50M
Lease $33,000
Office | 306 ft² approx
Sale $1.84M
Chai Wan 20 Cheung Lee Street
Industrial | 5,887 ft² approx
Lease $74,000
Chai Wan 6 Hong Man Street
Industrial | 8,295 ft² approx
Sale $15.80M
Lease $90,000
Chai Wan 77 Sheung On Street
Office | 1,781 ft² approx
Sale $7.12M
Office | 4,158 ft² approx
Sale $16.63M
Lease $83,160
Chai Wan 45 Kut Shing Street
Industrial | 4,416 ft² approx
Sale $15.90M
Lease $46,360
Industrial | 367 ft² approx
Lease $5,870
Office | 1,713 ft² approx
Sale $6.85M
Chai Wan 18 Cheung Lee Street
Industrial | 1,191 ft² approx
Lease $17,270
Industrial | 1,495 ft² approx
Sale $6.28M
Lease $22,000
Chai Wan 21-27 Cheung Lee Street
Industrial | 740 ft² approx
Sale $3.18M
Lease $10,000
Chai Wan 8 Sun Yip Street
Industrial | 1,717 ft² approx
Sale $8.41M
Lease $20,600
Chai Wan 11 Sun Yip Street
Industrial | 5,564 ft² approx
Sale $15.86M
Chai Wan 10 Ka Yip Street
Industrial | 10,044 ft² approx
Lease $120,530
Chai Wan 2 Hong Man Street
Industrial | 3,530 ft² approx
Sale $11.65M
Industrial | 3,336 ft² approx
Lease $28,360
Chai Wan 6-10 On Yip Street
Industrial | 4,864 ft² approx
Sale $13.50M
Chai Wan 34 Lee Chung Street
Industrial | 7,500 ft² approx
Lease $97,500
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